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Black And Blue Lyrics

Album/Collection: Pontiac
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It's Saturday night
You check the TV guide
And pray the black and white
Can keep you satisfied

She had yellow hair
She had high-heel shoes
She red the whole affair
And left you black and blue

In 1956
She was just a kiss
In 1985
How could she come to this

He had yellow hair
He liked high-heel shoes
Lipstick was everywhere
And he left her black and blue

So it's Saturday night
You check the TV guide
And pray you'll be all right
Because it's your turn this time

See she had yellow hair
She had high-heel shoes
Lipstick was everywhere
And you left her black and blue

What's it to you
It's black and blue

Black And Blue Lyrics

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