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Freedom Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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"No" is just a word
That people say when they're afraid
And if you say "no" to me
Then I will fight you till I'm free

Say freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"
Say freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"

'Cause "no" is just a word
That people say when they can't cope
And if you say "no" to me
Then I will fight you till I'm free

Freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"
Freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"

'Cause "no" is just a word
That people say when they are lost
And if you say "no" to me
Then I will fight you till I'm free

Say freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"
Freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes"

Say freedom, brotherhood
Justice, just say "yes" to me

Freedom Lyrics

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