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Friends Lyrics

Album/Collection: Greatest Hits
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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You say you want to be Friends
That's a newly sharpened blade
That's a dagger to the heart
Of the promises we made 
That's a chapter full of pain
A season full of rain
A dark and stormy night
Spent all alone

Get scattered by the wind
Tossed upon the waves
Lost for years on end
Slowly drift apart
They give away their hearts
Maybe call you 
Now and then
But you wanna be
Just Friends

You say you love me very much
And you'll always hold me dear
Those are the sweetest words 
I never want to hear
What's a love without desire
A flame without fire
Can't warm me late at night 
When I need you most

Get scattered by the wind
Tossed upon the waves
Lost for years on end
Slowly drift apart
They give away their hearts
Maybe call you
Now and then 
But you wanna be
Just Friends

Slowly drift apart
They give away their hearts
Maybe call you 
Now and then

Darling can't you see
This is killing me
We could never be
Just Friends 

Friends Lyrics

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