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My Dying Machine Lyrics

Album/Collection: Berserker
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Why give orders
Why give speeches

No more questions
No more answers
All that's left is the fear

I can feel they're here
I can feel the cold
I can't fight for long
This machine runs down

If I had a picture
I could say it's all for you.

Why give orders
And why make speeches
Give me a reason to stay

This dying machine
I can hear me scream
I've nowhere to run
I've nowhere to hide

I can only wonder
I can only wonder why

Why give orders
And why make speeches
Give me a reason to die

This shape comes apart
Everything breaks down
And me, I'm trapped inside
And here inside it ends.

There's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can do now
If I had a picture
I could say it's all for you
I can only wonder
I can only wonder why.

My Dying Machine Lyrics

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