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Flesh And Blood Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I'm not that someone who's got what you want 
I can do nothing but watch what you do 
You just want someone to kiss you good night 
But lips are never enough to get you through 
You stole my nights and you got your way 
Now you got me dying inside , oh baby 

Ebony don't walk out on me 
Listen to what I say 
Pick up the pieces of my life into the night of day 
How do you break this heart of steel 
Nobody ever could 
Open the pages of my life 
I'm only flesh and blood 

I'll be your Savior but baby I swear 
I'm not living my life over you 
Some satisfaction you get if you dare 
But is it ever enough to get you through 
You stole my mind and you watch me fall 
Now you leave the scene of the crime,oh no 

Ebony don't walk out on me 
I never thought you could 
I'm only what you make of me 
I'm only flesh and blood 
I'm only flesh and blood 

When you're gone , you'll be leaving behind, 
a broken man with something to hide 
Oh, lost in the night in a town without pity 
You learn how to cry. You learn how to cry 


Ebony don't walk out on me 
Listen to what I say 
Pick up the pieces of my life into the night of day 
How do you break this heart of steel 
Nobody ever could 
Open the pages of my life 
I'm only flesh and blood 

Gone are the days that came and went 
Houses are made of wood 
Live in a world of sand and stone 
I'm only flesh and blood 

Ebony don't walk out on me 
I never thought you could 
I'm only what you make of me 
I'm only flesh and blood 

Flesh And Blood Lyrics

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