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Peaceful Day Lyrics

Album/Collection: About Time
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 Listen up everyone there's something wrong
 We got the answers in our sights now
 But somehow still we struggle along
 Looking for solutions in a threatening sky
 But we never get an answer 
 Just a chorus of voices wondering why
 We're stuck here without a peaceful day
 It's a promise in the night I'll be okay
 The superlative is telling me that help is on the way 
 Won't someone tell me how will I make it through today
 Looking towards the future and all I can see
 Is the next generation looking back
 With pity on me
 Hunting for some insight or mean to change
 But do we have the will to or will our 
 Future look the same 
 How can I live when you won't let me in
 How can I die without reasons why
 How can I laugh when I want to cry
 How can I go on with nothing nowhere
 How will I make it

Peaceful Day Lyrics

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