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Zapata's Blood Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Like they deserve
Wasn't spilt in vein
So now you're pullin' the moves pullin'
the moves pullin' the moves
We'll wage, we'll wage we'll wage war
To replace our name
Some guys got blurred
So now you're pullin' the moves, pullin'
the moves, pullin' the moves
We'll wage, we'll wage, we'll wage war
To reclaim our terrain
On January 1st, 1994
The indigenous farmers of Southern Mexico
Declared war on an unjust
and illigitimate government
Of of the debt of the most wild, the most poor
Came a just arm struggle
for democracy, justice, and liberty
And it won't stop until that 65 year old dictatorship, 
the Partido Revolucionario Institucional
Institutional Revolutionary Party is buired in the ground
and the people's voicce is heard once again
So check it out
On January 1st, they became known as 
the Zapatista movement
And they have a saying, and I want you all to 
sing along with me real quick
It goes something like this
It goes, everything for everyone
and nothing for ourselves
Everything for everyone, and nothing for ourselves
Yeah, sing that shit...
Everything for everyone, and nothing for ourselves

Zapata's Blood Lyrics

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