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High And Dry Lyrics

Album/Collection: Aftermath
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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High and dry well, I'm up here with no warning 
High and dry well, I couldn't get a word in 
High and dry oh, what a way to go 
She left me standing here just high and dry 

A minute I was up there standing by her side 
The next I was down there, well, left out of the ride and 
High and dry oh, what a way to go 
She left me standing here just high and dry 

Anythin' I wished for I only had to ask her (yep) 
I think she found out it was money I was after 
High and dry oh, what a weird letdown 
She left me standing here just high and dry 

It's lucky that I didn't have any love towards her 
Next time I'll make sure that the girl'll be much poorer 
High and dry oh, what a way to go 
She left me standing here just high and dry 

High and dry well, I'm up here with no warnin' 
High and dry well, I couldn't get a word in 
High and dry oh, what a way to go 
She left me standin' here just high and dry 
Well, she left me standin' here just high and dry 
Well, she left me standin' here just high and dry 

High And Dry Lyrics

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