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Boogies (Hamburger Hell) Lyrics

Album/Collection: Faithful
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Beefsteak Charlie says to Porky the Pig
  	"I can see the party lights
  	Someone's throwin' a bash and it sure looks big
  	Down at the slaughterhouse tonight."
  Say, let's get together and hit the buffet
  You might as well stuff yourself,
  They'll only throw it away
  Old Colonel Sanders says to Elsie the Cow
  	"Golly, baby you're the one
  	Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce,
  	pickle, cheese, onions on a sesame seed bun."
  Say, we just got time for a roll in the hay
  Might as well stuff yourself
  They've come to take you away
  I know where you're going, I can tell
  Don't go looking for me down in Hamburger Hell
  Don't misunderstand me, I wish you well
  Don't go looking for me down in Hamburger Hell

Boogies (Hamburger Hell) Lyrics

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