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Chant Lyrics

Album/Collection: Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  We can't turn back the clock
  But we can chant for love
  Let's cut the idle talk so we can
  Chant for love
  We always have the time to quarrel
  About such problems as money and war
  Let's put it off until tomorrow
  Who needs another dose of sorrow?
  It don't necessitate an act of faith
  To chant for love
  What alibi is strong enough to wait
  To chant for love
  Though we don't hold the reigns of power
  Somebody else seems to be in control
  We mustn't waste another hour
  We'll get directly to the soul
  If we can
  For a world united
  For a world that's dying for love
  The Hare Krishna plays a drum and bell
  When he chants for love
  The tribal priest is afraid of hell
  So he chants for love
  I am not pushing some religion
  Don't get me wrong,
  I never mess with such things
  Just be true to your own vision
  This is your personal decision
  The Dervish spins to a "Hu Hu Hu"
  When he chants for love
  Nobody knows what the angels do
  When they chant for love
  You're at the bottom of the ladder
  Someone may try to tell you where you should start
  But the words, they never matter
  If you can feel it in your heart
  Then you can
  Why don't you chant?
  You can chant
  Chant, chant, chant ...

Chant Lyrics

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