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Determination Lyrics

Album/Collection: Hermit Of Mink Hollow
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Girl the last time I saw you, you were crying my name
  When I put you on the spot,
  	will you still feel the same
  Show me some determination
  Show me the measure of your dedication
  I need to see just a reflection of your inspiration
  Don't you break down on me
  I'm looking for someone,
  	someone strong enough to believe in
  Everybody's looking for someone
  	strong enough to stand on his feet
  And never break down
  I'll put my life on the line and believe what you say
  I'll go out on a limb if you meet me halfway
  I'm looking for someone
  	to show me what they mean by devotion
  Everybody's looking for someone
  	prepared to put aside his emotion
  And never break down
  You're a new wave raver and you like to talk tough
  But can you still cut the mustard
  	when the going gets rough
  I need a demonstration of your determination
  Give me an indication of your determination
  Three days in the rain and I ain't had no sleep
  But I won't break down now, I got a promise to keep
  Showing my determination
  'Cause that's the way I am

Determination Lyrics

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