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Devil's Bite Lyrics

Album/Collection: Runt
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Who's that knockin' on my door?
  Who's that rising up from under the floor?
  I know. I can hear that demon roar,
  But I don't care, I ain't gonna hear it no more.
  I don't care, I paid my dues last year,
  Have no fear, now it's time that I clear out of here.
  Just let you know before I go.
  Are you devil or death?
  You'll have to bow, ain't no power on earth can stop me now,
  I have done all things that make it right,
  To keep me out of the devil's bite.
  Heaven sent me down a sign
  Things were bad but now I'm doin' fine
  So you better step back cross that line
  Now I can't see you but for one last time.
  I can see you marked my life like a scar
  So you are
  But it don't take a star to go far.
  I'll let you on, before I'm gone.
  I knew someday you'd be along,
  Swingin' your tail and singin' a dead man's song,
  Just when things get good you want your take
  But you're wrong, 'cause I'm leaving this shell
  And I'm movin' on.

Devil's Bite Lyrics

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