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Fidelity Lyrics

Album/Collection: Nearly Human
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  I've been hurt
  I've never been so hurt
  Yes, and only you know why
  But I would be far more hurt if we had to say good bye
  When I think that it's all or nothing
  I tell myself
  True love does not demand fidelity
  If there's one sacred place always in your heart for me
  Time has come
  I knew the time would come
  When someone would want to be more than friends
  But we had a love so sweet 
  I thought the dream would never end
  If my love could not withstand this jealousy
  I'd remember the day I threw away our eternity
  Has no plan, things will happen we don't understand
  One day the glove is on the other hand
  And when you think that it's all or nothing
  Just tell yourself
  If our love could not withstand this jealousy
  We'd remember the day we threw away our eternity
  If it's true love, it does not demand fidelity
  Oh it hurt me so bad
  But I can't help but love you for eternity
  I know we got a true love

Fidelity Lyrics

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