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Love Thing Lyrics

Album/Collection: No World Order
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  I need something, I need some sweet thing
  I need something to help me get on, help me get on by
  Love thing

  Sometimes I feel like I've been trapped in a container
  Pushed through a strainer, but I ain't no complainer
  Think I'm going crazy, there, now I'm insaner
  What could be plainer, it's a no-brainer

  The truth is always wherever you find it
  Throw back the curtain, see what's behind it
  Look hard at life and the ties that bind it
  Day after day we must be reminded

  Everything I had is gone, it's so dark it must be dawn
  Where's that reason to go, reason to go on and on

  Give what you ain't got to give, lord have mercy on me
  Drinkin' up blood and sweat and tears, I ain't afraid to ask
  Give it to me love thing, well being

  Why do I always look down when I want to look up
  Why do I shake somebody down when I'm feelin' shook up
  Why do I wander around when I want to hook up
  Why am I puttin' it down when I wanna pick up

  One of these days I'm gonna make my decision
  And act upon it while I still got volition
  But I've got so many ideas in collision,
  It makes it hard to be a man with a mission

  I need something, I need some sweet thing
  I need something to help me get on, help me get on by
  I need something to clear my head
  I need something to warm my bed
  I need something, some sweet thing
  Everything I had is gone, it's so dark it must be dawn
  Where's that reason to go, reason to go on and on

  Tell me lies, I know the truth but tell me lies
  Just like a breath of fresh air blowin' through my lonely spirit
  Love thing, well being
  Love thing

Love Thing Lyrics

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