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Shine Lyrics

Album/Collection: Healing
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Now as the evening sun sets on you healer
  Your day is over, your light is fading away at last
  And the wolves howl after the healer
  Fighting for pieces, bits of his shattered remains
  All who could know it
  First they curse you then they warn you so
  Then they use you and then they go on
  'Til they curse you and there's no more
  And they turn off all the light
  	that you were giving away
  And they burn off but they just don't seem to shine
  Is it all gone, is there no one who will shine?
  Don't let the secret out, it's much too early
  They are not ready but the hour is close at hand
  For the wolves of the world are still hungry
  But they are dying, there is no healing for them
  You will know by the signs you have seen before
  In your seeds of life there are more to come
  The healer was not alone
  He will turn on all the light
  	that they've been hiding away
  Turn on the light
  He will burn off
  Come on and shine you diamond shine
  They will turn on all the light
  	that they've been hiding away
  They've got to turn on the light
  They will burn off
  Come on shine you diamond shine
  There are a million eyes watching the world tonight
  Have we learned nothing?
  Do we merit another chance?
  By what grace have we earned some redemption
  Ten million saviors, ten billion angels of man
  Those who know that such miracles can be so
  They arrive because they must go
  And lead believers to bring it home

Shine Lyrics

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