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Sweeter Memories Lyrics

Album/Collection: Something Anything
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  There's a cloud in the sky and it's raining on you
  Still you try to keep dry but your troubles leak through
  And you've lost all you could, feeling sad
  Choose your reveries
  Keep the good, leave the bad
  Take a few of these, the sweeter memories
  Don't forget them please, the sweeter memories
  To set your mind at ease, the truest remedies
  Are the sweeter memories
  There's a life full of pain and a life full of glee
  So you see that the rain doesn't mean much to me
  For I know that it pays making light
  of living's tragedies
  Make your days be as bright
  Take a few of these, the sweeter memories

Sweeter Memories Lyrics

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