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Ruby Red Shoes Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Dirt Road
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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         Well It seemed to be just a dream
         But how Is one to know
         There was a cat and a man made of tin
         There was a chick and an old scarecrow
         I got all shook up
         I raised my cup
         To toast that girl I'd seen
         I got my nerve
         I threw a curve
         And I told her what I mean 

         I said ooh ooh 
         Where'd you get them ruby red shoes
         They look like they could take a man
         To a place he could use
         We could tap our heels girl
         And chase away my blues
         If I could talk you out of them ruby red shoes 

         It ain't hard to tell on a carousel
         Just where that horse might go
         So I jumped ship
         A shootin' from my hip
         Headed down that golden road
         Well the sky got black
         So I turned back
         I'm not one to steal the show
         Scarecrow was cool
         And the cat was too
         But me and tin man want to know 

        Chorus repeats twice 

(c)Copyright 1992 by Zoo ll Music / Myrt & Chuck's Boy Music (ASCAP)
All rights reserved 

Ruby Red Shoes Lyrics

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