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Thank God For You Lyrics

Album/Collection: Greatest Hits 1990-1995
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 Well I've been called a self-made man
Girl don't you believe it's true
I know exactly how lucky I am
When I'm gettin' this close to you
It's high time I'm giving some praise
To those that got me where I am today

I got to thank mama for the cookin'
Daddy for the whuppin'
The devil for the trouble that I get into
I go to give credit when credit is due
I thank the bank for the money
Thank God for you

A strong heart and a willing hand
That's the secret to my success
A good women...I try to be a good man

A good job Lord I know I've been blessed
I'm just a part of a greater plan
It doesn't matter which part I am

I got to thank mama for the cookin'
Daddy for the whuppin'
The devil for the trouble that I get into
I go to give credit when credit is due
I thank the bank for the money
Thank God for you

 Daddy for the preachin'
 The devil for the trouble that I get into
I got to give credit when credit is due
I thank the bank for the money
And God for you

Thank God For You Lyrics

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