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Thunder Bay Lyrics

Album/Collection: Buick
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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      I never thought that anyone could do me like you do me

      I never thought that love would get In the way

      But there was magic In the air and there were stars out on the

      On a moonlit night In thunder bay 


      Was It the lightning on the water

      Was It the thunder from the bay

      When the night goes down they are hard to tell apart

      Just like howling at the moon and barking at the dark

      Just like howling at the moon and barking at the dark 

      The eyes of disillusion keep burning holes right through me

      Down In watertown you'll see It all

      A willing hand, a second glance at evil In a red dress

      I threw In my hand and bet It all 


      I could've walked away

      I should've been afraid

      I never would've strayed

      But I did - yes I did - In thunder bay 


(c)Copyright 1991 By Zoo ll / Warner - Tamerlane Publishing Corp. / Randy
Scruggs Music (ASCAP / BMI)

All rights reserved 

Thunder Bay Lyrics

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