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Drug Train Lyrics

Album/Collection: Social Distortion
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It'll take you as high as the heavens
It'll take you to the depths of hell
It'll make you friends, it'll take your friends
Who will never live to tell

Drug train, drug train

The train's first stop is pleasure,
The scond stop is fun
But in a jail cell baby or a hospital bed
You'll need hope 'cuz you ain't got none


The train passes through the graveyard
May the loved ones rest in peace
For the last stop baby is a violent crash
And hard times they never cease


                      DON'T BLAME ME...
Eric Wincentsen                "Greetings from the Humungous-
267@ef.gc.maricopa.edu                  The Lord Humungous!"
Glendale Community College,                    -The Road Warrior
  Glendale, Arizona              
                       I DIDN'T VOTE FOR SLICK WILLY!

Drug Train Lyrics

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