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River Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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by Bill Staines

I was born in the path of the winter wind,
I was raised where the mountains are old.
Their springtime waters came dancing down,
And I remember the tales they told.

The whistling ways of my younger days
Too quickly have faded on by,
But all of their memories linger on
Like the light in a fading sky.

Cho: River, take me along
     In your sunshine, sing me a song
     Ever moving, and winding and free;
     You rolling old river, you changing old river,
     Let's you and me, river, run down to the sea.

I've been to the city and back again,
I've been moved by some things that I've learned;
Met a lot of good people and IÕve called them friends
Felt the change when the seasons turned.

I've heard all the songs that the children sing,
And listened to love's melodies;
I've felt my own music within me rise
Like the wind in the autumn trees.


Someday when the flowers are blooming still
Someday when the grass is still green
My rolling waters will round the bend
And flow into the open sea.

So here's to the rainbow that's followed me here,
And here's to the friends that I know;
And here's to the song that's within me now
I will sing it where'er I go.


River Lyrics

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