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Pretzel Logic Lyrics

Album/Collection: Pretzel Logic
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I would love to tour the Southland in a trav'ling minstrel show; 
Yes, I'd love to tour the Southland in a trav'ling minstrel show.
Yes, I'm dying to be a star and make them laugh,
Sound just like the record on the phonograph.
Those days are gone forever, over a long time ago, oh, yeah. 

I have never met Napoleon, but I plan to find the time;
I have never met Napoleon, but I plan to find the time.
'Cause he looks so fine upon that hill;
They tell me he was lonely, he's lonely still.
Those days are gone forever, over a long time ago, oh, yeah. 

[solo -- over verse and chorus progression]

I stepped up on the platform, a man gave me the news.
He said, "You must be joking son; where did you get those shoes?
Where did you get those shoes?"
Well, I seen him on the T.V., the movie show;
They say the times are changin' but I just don't know.
These things are gone forever, over a long time ago, oh, yeah.

fade with ad lib lyrics


Pretzel Logic Lyrics

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