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Road Movie To Berlin Lyrics

Album/Collection: Flood
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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We're in a road movie to Berlin
Can't drive out the way we drove in
So sneak out this glass of bourbon
And we'll go

We were once so close to heaven
Peter came out and gave us medals
Declaring us the nicest of the damned
You said you were the king of liars
And I believed you and called you sire
But I realize now that I have been deceived

Time won't find the lost
It'll sweep up our skeleton bones
So take the wheel and I will take the pedals
We're in a road movie to Berlin
Can'T drive out the way we drove in
So sneak out this glass of bourbon
And we'll go

                      DON'T BLAME ME...
Eric Wincentsen                "Greetings from the Humungous-
267@ef.gc.maricopa.edu                  The Lord Humungous!"
Glendale Community College,                    -The Road Warrior
  Glendale, Arizona              
                       I DIDN'T VOTE FOR SLICK WILLY!

Road Movie To Berlin Lyrics

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