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Let 'em Whirl Lyrics

Album/Collection: Blackhawk
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Henry Paul/Van Stephenson/Greg Jennings)

Whirlwind running through my head
Wasted words that people said
The wind is howling at my door
I don't listen anymore

The darkened sky blocks out the sun
Still reeling from the damage done
If I go out and chase that wind
I might not make it back again

Let 'em whirl, who am I to say
You gotta do things different
I know a better way
Let 'em whirl, there's a child in everyone
Who's got to ride the storm out
To see who'll they'll become
Let 'em whirl

The simple things are hard to see
I got you and you've got me
No cause left for us to fight
Being wrong's a God-given right


We all learn the hard way
We can't pretend to know
Where life is gonna lead us
Or which way the wind will blow
Let 'em whirl


(Submitted by:  Jeffrey G. F.)

Let 'em Whirl Lyrics

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