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Always Late Lyrics

Album/Collection: Deface The Music
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 Hello honey, I just missed the train
 My watch must have stopped I guess
 Dinner is cold and the kids are asleep
 I didn't mean to get you out of bed.
 Always late (always late)
 Yes, it's always the same
 Procrastination is my middle name
 But the rest of the world is ahead of the game
 And that's why I'm always lat

 Won't somebody give me a ride
 I've been out of gas for hours
 My mother-in-law's flying in from the coast
 She's probably in an ambulance by now.
 Willie, it's time to get up
 Willie, you get out of that bed,
 you'll be late for work again
 Willie, Willie!!!
 Come on honey, give me a chance
 I promise to mend my ways
 Let's go out for an anniversary dance
 You say our anniversary's yesterday?

Always Late Lyrics

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