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16 Shells From A 30.6 Lyrics

Album/Collection: Swordfishtrombones
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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  Tom Waits: Vocal
  Stephen Taylor Arvizu Hodges: Drums
  Larry Taylor: Acoustic bass
  Fred Tackett: Electric guitar
  Victor Feldman: Brake drum, bell plate, snare
  Joe Romano: Trombone
 I plugged 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six
 and a Black Crow snuck through
 a hole in the sky
 so I spent all my buttons on an
 old pack mule
 and I made me a ladder from
 a pawn shop marimba
 and I leaned it up against
 a dandelion tree
 And I filled me a sachel
 full of old pig corn
 and I beat me a billy
 from an old French horn
 and I kicked that mule
 to the top of the tree
 and I blew me a hole
 'bout the size of a kickdrum
 and I cut me a switch
 from a long branch elbow
 I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin'
 Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six
 whittle you into kindlin'
 Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six
 Well I slept in the holler
 of a dry creek bed
 and I tore out the buckets
 from a red Corvette, tore out the buckets from a red Corvette
 Lionel and Dave and the Butcher made three
 you got to meet me by the knuckles of the skinnybone tree
 with the strings of a Washburn
 stretched like a clothes line
 you know me and that mule scrambled right through the hole
 Repeat Chorus
 Now I hold him prisoner
 in a Washburn jail
 that stapped on the back
 of my old kick mule
 strapped it on the back of my old kick mule
 I bang on the strings just
 to drive him crazy
 I strum it loud just to rattle his cage
 strum it loud just to rattle his cage
 Repeat Chorus

16 Shells From A 30.6 Lyrics

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