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Pulsing Pulsing Lyrics

Album/Collection: Rag And Bone Buffet
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Pulsing pulsing
There's a beat in his arm still
Pulsing pulsing
Like the throb of an anthill
Pulsing pulsing
No death in the rain
I've been washing my hands
[And there's something [brush my] brain / In the stuff and watch for brain]

I'm pulsing
You're pulsing
Who's pulsing?
What's pulsing?

Pulsing pulsing
There's a lump in his throat still
Pulsing pulsing
At the site of a crash throw
Pulsing pulsing
No push in the vein
I've been washing my hands
[And there's something [brush my] brain / In the stuff and watch for brain]

Pulsing Pulsing Lyrics

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