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Y A C H T D A N C E Lyrics

Album/Collection: English Settlement
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 W  W  W   e, we  will dance  like  tiny boats with cotton sails    upon
W w W w W  the  tops of the seas,  that would pull us down to the depths
W   W   W  and  crush  us  flat    if given  half  a  chance.    no need
 WWW WWW   to  look  back  to pictures of  lost,   when  all  was  rust.
we,  we  will  skim  across  the  surface  of the mud     as  if  we're-
spinning pebbles     oh,  in  our  yacht dance    oh, in our yacht dance
we, we will dance like tiny boats with cotton sails upon the tops of the
seas,    made  of  people  stained  with  scorn  who  never  see     the
light  of real love.     no  need  to  look back through diaries of lost
now  turned  to  dust.    we, we will skate  across  the  surface of the
storm    as if  we're  wheeling  sea-birds.    oh, in  our  yacht  dance
oh, in  our  yacht  dance.   and  how  they'll be  jealous  of  both  of
us!       in  our  yacht  dance.
we,  we will dance  like  tiny boats  with cotton sails upon the tops of
the seas,  that would pull us down to the depths and crush us flat    if
given  half  a  chance.     no need  to look  back to pictures  of lost,
when  all  was             we, we will  skim across  the surface of  the
mud   as if  we're  spinning pebbles.     oh, in our  yacht dance    oh,
in  our  yacht  dance.

andy - lead vocal, acoustic  and  amplified  acoustic  guitars, anklung.
colin - fretless  bass.         dave -  nylon - strung  spanish  guitar
terry - drums, percussion, drum synthesizer    composed  by a. partridge

Y A C H T D A N C E Lyrics

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