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Hippie Dream Lyrics

Album/Collection: Landing On Water
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Take my advice
Don't listen to me
It ain't paradise
But it used to be
There was a time
When the river was wide
And the water came running down
To the rising tide
But the wooden ships
Were just a hippie dream
Just a hippie dream
Don't bat an eye
Don't waste a word
Don't mention nothin'

That could go unheard
'Cause the tie-dye sails
Are the screamin' sheets
And the dusty trail
Leads to blood in the streets
And the wooden ships
Are a hippie dream
Capsized in excess
If you know what I mean

Just because it's over for you
Don't mean it's over for me
It's a victory for the heart
Ev'ry time the music starts
So please don't kill the machine
Don't kill the machine
Don't kill the machine

Another flower child goes to seed
In an ether-filled room of meat-hooks
It's so ugly
So ugly

Hippie Dream Lyrics

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