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Our Bizarre Relationship Lyrics

Album/Collection: Uncle Meat
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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 Cheese:  Bizarre
 No one could never understand our bizarre relationship,
 Because I was your intelectual [fridged? frigid?] housekeeper
 Especially when you would be going to bed with one chic at night
 And I'd wake in the mornin' and find another one there screamin 
Asking me what the fuck this chic doin' in your bed
 And I'd walk in and you weren't with the same one you were in
 night before
 Oh, I'll never forget that as long as I live
 That house had your shit all over
 And we had cats, we had flies, we  had lot of crabs
 That we proceeded to give to everyone in Laurel Canyon
 except Elmer and Phil,
 Because they were too sick to ball.
 Elmer has mentality of approximately
 One peanut possibly
 As a matter of fact, I remember Elmer telling me that
 You really had a lot of talent, but he didn't see how anyone
 could ever make it
 Who insisted on sayin' fuck on stage
 And he used to drive by in his gold Cadillac
 And peer in  window
 'Coze he could never get over the amount of groupy status
 That you had and he didn't
 Possibly because he's fifty years old and wretched

Our Bizarre Relationship Lyrics

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