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Walk Away Lyrics

Album/Collection: Stone Soup
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Walk Away
(Tom Meltzer)

You've got a head like a boulder
And feet of clay
It's gonna be real hard 
For you to just walk away

You keep telling everybody
That you just can't stay
You're all talk, no action
Why don't you just walk away?

	You can wallow in your sad condition
	Frighten people with your disposition
	Step on folks 'cause they get in your way
	Or you could have a heart, you could walk away

You've been downright depressing
I hear your ex-friends say
All this contempt you're expressing
Why don't you just walk away?

Well, that girl don't love you
And that job don't pay
And your friends don't respect you
You ought to just walk away	

	You can wallow in your sad condition
	Frighten people with your disposition
	Step on folks 'cause they get in your way
	Or you could have a heart, you could walk away

Yeah, that girl don't love you
Yeah, that job don't pay
Believe anything you want to
But please, please just walk away

Walk Away Lyrics

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