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It's Hard to Speak My Heart Lyrics

Album/Collection: Parade
Online Since: 24-Apr-2005
Rating: 10.00 (out of 10)
Number of Vote: 1
Provided by: hilfigertigger
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It's hard to speak my heart
I'm not a man who bares his soul
I let the moment pass me by
I stay where I am, In control.
I hide behind my work, safe, and sure of what to say.
I know I must seem hard, I know I must seem cold.
I never touched that girl.  
You think I'd hurt a child yet.
I'd hardly seen her face before
I swear I swore we'd barely met
these people try to scare you
with things i never said
I know it makes no sense,
I swear I don't know why
You see me as I am
You can't believe I'd lie
You can't believe i'd do these deeds
a little man whose scared and blind
too lost to find the words he needs
I never touched that child, God, I never raised my hands.  
I stand before you now, Incredibly afraid.  
I pray you understand.

It's Hard to Speak My Heart Lyrics