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Polly Lyrics

Album/Collection: Nevermind
Notes: Sorry if there are any typos, but I typed this up on my own ;) This also the lyrics to Polly (New Wave) from the Incesticide album. Enjoy.
Online Since: 24-Apr-2005
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Polly wants a cracker 
I think I should her first.
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow tourch

Isn't me
Have a seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Cut yourself
Want some help
Please myself
Got some rope
Haven't told
Promise you
Have been true
Let me take a ride
Cut yourself
Want some help
Please my self

Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like more food
She asked to me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few


Polly Said...

Polly says her back hurts
She's just as bored as me
She caught me off my gaurd
Amazes me the width of instinct


Polly Lyrics

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