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The Words Lyrics

Album/Collection: Mariposa D'Oro
Online Since: 12-Apr-2005
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The Words
(Lyrics and Music by Jim Krueger)
(As sung by Dave Mason – Mariposa D’Oro)

Where do the words come from when you need them?
They make themselves so hard to use.
Well, I wouldn’t have a date with the blues, if I could only find the words

Well, my friends all know that I love them, and 
My family always brings me home, and I hold
Nothing up above them.
Kin and clan is all that I am.

I would shout out my story with a heavenly glory
If I could only find the words
If I could only find the words

And if I use them right, they’ll help me fall asleep tonight
So, I guess I’ll have to write a few,
‘Cause nothing short of words will do.

I would shout out my story with a heavenly glory
If I could only find the words
If I could only find the words

Where do the words come from when you need them?
They make themselves so hard to use.
Well, I wouldn’t have a date with the blues, if I could only find the words

What is it like Captain Steinbeck?
Do you worry ‘bout the things you miss?
Well, I do, and I hurry like a fool from 9 to 5,
Trying to keep my words alive.

I would shout out my story with a heavenly glory
If I could only find the words
If I could only find the words

The Words Lyrics

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