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The Game of the Name Lyrics

Album/Collection: One Bad Apple
Online Since: 01-Jul-2005
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I will do what I'm able though
There is more than a stable left to go
And you all want a label so
I'll call this one an, I don't know, a bull
(Hey! That's not a bad idea!) That's no bull.
Bear it in mind I've barely begun
You'll bear the name of bear, it's kind of fun.
Oh dear, another, wait, wait, I know!
Want it so dearly that I'll name you
Dear me, oh dear, you're Jane Doe!

Naming is easy! I'm doing great!
Come get in line so I can nomenclate!
I wasn't even born yesterday
Just keep in mind the name of the game
Is the game of the name!

Hey you, don't be a sour puss
'Cause you won't be anonymous for long.
I can give you an alias
You sure look like a lioness to me.
No lyin'
Don't need to bug or badger me now
Before I'm hoarse I'll name you, holy cow!
What are you, chicken? Then you're in luck.
Your nom de plumage - Look out above!
Get down! I know! It's a duck!

Naming is easy! Nobody fret!
One at a time, you'll get your epithet.
This is a kingdom, and I am the king.
Just keep in mind the name of the game
Is the game of the name!

Here we have a lark and a shark, aardvark.
You're a wombat, muskrat, wildcat, gnat.
You can be a frog, dog, pollywog, warthog
Bumblebee, sandflea, chimpanzee.
Here we have a great big big big pachyderm
Sitting by an itty bitty teeny weeny mealworm
Add a kangaroo, a cockatoo or two and you've got a zoo!

Naming is easy! All in a row!
Handle the handles, simple as pie
If I can just take it slow!

Hey you animals there!
Is that an octopus I see?
Hmm um um um um baby
How hot can one orangutan be?
Oo whoa oo whoa oo whoa oo
You look like ringworm to me! (EEEW!!!)
(I know, but look at this guy!)
Give me a chance I'll give you a name.
I am the Man and naming is my game!

The Game of the Name Lyrics