Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Battle of the Heroes (Themes/Movie Themes/S/Star Wars Series)
"Unbelievable, truly well done, and of the greatest starwars fight music!"
Duuude 2006-02-03
Overture (Broadway Musical/K/King and I, The)
"I would never have expected that midi could do a wonderful piece like this. It shows the the essence of real broadway music mixed with different cultures of the east and west. Heavenly to the ears. :)"
Mishka 2005-12-23
Marriage D'Amour (Classical & Neo-Classical/C/Clayderman, Richard)
"not bad the pianist is a bit wobbly and unsure,too slow but not bad
stingrei 2006-09-23
I Couldn't be Happier (Broadway Musical/W/Wicked)
"This is actually called "Thank Goodness" ...just a thought."
Snick 2005-05-03
We Both Reached For the Gun (Broadway Musical/C/Chicago)
"amazing song"
jejej 2005-06-04