Kiss the Rain (Original Compositions/Yiruma)
"This song rocks!! if someone has sheet music for it, email me at"
lakusdf 2006-07-14
Simple and Clean (World/Japanese/Pop/Utada Hikaru)
"This song is so touching and yet it makes you feel as you are oneof the song i think that this song has the potential to become a very touching song and its so powerful it could make you cry"
Kingdom Hearts lova 2006-03-25
Sorrow and Sadness (Animation/Anime/N/Naruto)
"This song reminds me of Sasuke, in a way. You know what I mean? I mean, he just acts so lonely sometimes. This seems to remind me of him every time I hear it. It also reminds me I'm always love.. I know what Sasuke fells like. To have your parents and family murdered....."
KMYYH 2005-04-18
Aerith's Theme (Video Games/Sony Playstation/F/Final Fantasy 7)
"almost like the game, maybe it is...10 for sure"
aspalaasn 2002-09-11
Javert's Suicide (Broadway Musical/M/Miserables, Les)
"I played the role of Javert last year, this is a very good midi considering it is a midi, of course it dosent have the improv that some javerts do but that cant be expected the intrumental part is amazing. so ofcourse the end is timmed out where as in the show its up to the performer to set the temp..."
mike (javert) 2006-03-31