All My Life (Rock & Pop/K/K-Ci & JoJo)
"Well this song is currently my FAV. song so i thought i will get it, for my phone
the Midi does a pretty good Job of copying the song :P
2 thumbs up"
Zel 2006-06-22
He's a Pirate (Themes/Movie Themes/P/Pirates of the Caribbean)
"this is realy good music, im now trying to play it myselve!"
Cool dude! 2005-12-18
Main Theme (Video Games/C/Crash Bandicoot Warped)
"I giv it this rating because it has the actual sound quality of a ps1 game--- A hard thing to do with midis."
master injedible 2006-10-26
Simple and Clean (World/Japanese/Pop/Utada Hikaru)
"i like the lyrics to the song.. does anyone have the music box version?"
eyecandy 2004-06-01
Silent Hill (Video Games/S/Silent Hill)
"Looved it !!!"
chelsea 2006-06-25