Ancient Voices (Themes/TV Themes/S/Survivor)
"The MP3 and the MIDI has a big difference on my machine! I probably need a better soundcard."
admin 2005-08-26
Phantom of the Opera, The (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"I am howling over this. I have a mental image of the Phantom in his boat, playing the banjo for Christine. HAHAHAHAHA"
TheatreGeek1693 2005-05-04
Phantom of the Opera, The (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"this ametuer song is the most offensive cover i have ever heard and it mocks the emotion behind the opera i'm sure you think it's funny but i think you're a moron!!! "
thats not important 2006-04-23
Overworld (Video Games/S/Super Mario Brothers 3)
"very good. a nice choice of instruments for the piano. a little fast for my taste."
ElectricChain 2006-09-04
Nicol's Piano (Tears) (Animation/Anime/G/Gundam Series/Gundam SEED)
"The first time I watched the series it was after Nicol died, but the very first time I saw him I fell in love. ^_^ Nicol bishounen!! *huggles* Love him!"
Carly Amalfi 2006-05-04