Der Guten Tag Hop-Clop (Broadway Musical/P/Producers, The)
"The only thing wrong with it is the speed, but I found that if you modify it to 1.75X speed, it sounds pretty good."
michaelkurtanjek 2006-07-05
No Time at All (Broadway Musical/P/Pippin)
"you did a fantastic job but where is the piano part in the song? I was thinking of using this for an audition and I was curious about where it was on the tracks. Thanks"
Sean 2006-06-02
Prelude (Video Games/C/Chrono Cross)
"chrono trigger."
321 2006-06-10
Armageddon (Themes/Movie Themes/A)
"Yeah it was a good movie, and they picked a good song...BUT it isn't really good on midi.However, the midi is doing pretty good in my book of not-so-good-midis."
SP\it Decision 2004-08-04
Hohoemi No Bakudan (Animation/Anime/Y/Yu Yu Hakusho)
"This is a great tune and when i hear it i relly get in the mood to watch the show.
memyself&i 2005-08-11