Heaven is a Place on Earth (Rock & Pop/B/Belinda Carlisle)
"this is a great track, well constructed, and so close to the original music.
it is one of belinda's and the backing track does ijustuce.
sam 2002-09-02
Oklahoma (Broadway Musical/O/Oklahoma)
"GOod job on this one!"
raycaluag 2005-04-21
Slice of Saturday Night, A (Broadway Musical/S/Slice of Saturday Night, A)
"does not give you the song words"
paige barr 2005-07-27
Roadhouse Blues (Rock & Pop/D/Doors, The)
"Excelente midi , la guitarra esta igual que la original yo si pude escuchar todos los tracks.. probablemente Dana no tiene bien configurada su Pc"
Felipe 2004-12-03
Phantom of the Opera Overture (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"I think its really great, albeit fast, but if, as you say, you got the part from the original copy, is it possible for you to scan it in and send it to db622521 AT hotmail.com (replace the AT with @, and get rid of the spaces). Thank you very much, and don't worry I'm not going to sell it or anythin..."
Daniel Bowman 2005-06-11