Medley (Themes/Movie Themes/P/Pirates of the Caribbean)
"but....great medley but it doesnt have the very first tune on the soundtrack (wrong rhythm in the similiar part, its repetitive)... damn, been looking all over the internet for that..."
Alex 2005-09-18
Fukia Mori (Animation/Anime/I/Inu-Yasha)
"There's no Sheet music cause I did it through my compy. Sorry. I just need a keyboard....."
han yong 2006-01-02
Leaning on a Lamp-Post (Broadway Musical/M/Me and My Girl)
"Its decent, but its in a different key. It's supposed to be in Bb Major"
Pasty 2006-01-14
Wake Me Up When September Ends (Rock & Pop/G/Green Day)
"This is just what I needed right now. Well done!"
Nathan27 2005-12-11
It's Today (Broadway Musical/M/Mame)
"Great track but why does noone seem to list Bosom Buddy in Mame Tracks - it has to be one of the best songs"
theklt 2002-09-05