Aldonza (Broadway Musical/M/Man of La Mancha)
"This MIDI of Aldonza was great for what I wanted-a track that I could use as an accompaniment to sing to. If you are looking for a version that follows the melody, this is not it. Still very well put together, I would recommend giving it a try."
BurgerBallerina 2005-01-15
I Like It, I Love It (Country/T/Tim McGraw)
"I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with the previous reviews. Obviously, the authors know very little about MIDI. This is a very good MIDI file. Sure, it lacks the punch of the recording, but if it was a recording, it wouldn't be MIDI!
As a MIDI sequencer myself, I can appreciate the detail and work..."
JBTaylorSr 2004-03-12
Mallow Discovers He is Not a Tadpole (Video Games/Super Nintendo/S/Super Mario RPG)
"this sounds just like the part in the game! its so perfect! great job creator!"
syphon0928 2002-10-17
Breaking Free (Broadway Musical/H/High School Musical)
"This is the rubbish version please ignore - or if you know, tell me how to remove it."
FairieQueen 2006-09-28
Something Inside So Strong (Rock & Pop/L/Labi Siffri)
"simply average"
Dave 2005-09-11