No More Words (Animation/Anime/I/Inu-Yasha)
"This midi is messed up. The one you can get on is clearer and is easier on the ears."
SM 2006-02-04
Take Me Or Leave Me (Broadway Musical/R/Rent)
"This is to closest one I've found. It actually sounds good if you sing along to it."
TheLast5Years 2006-05-31
Where the Hood at (Hip-Hop/D/DMX)
"would you happen to have any sheet music for where the hood at"
jason 2006-05-02
Nightmare Before Christmas, The (Themes/Movie Themes/N)
"how can i get the score? is there a solo instrment part?"
Ana 2005-06-02
He's a Pirate (Themes/Movie Themes/P/Pirates of the Caribbean)
"Great work form going from note to note, and very nice choice of song. 10/10, if not more. One of the greatest pieces I've ever heard played on a piano. I too play myself, but nowhere near as good as thou can. I imagine it must of taken quite a lot of time to perfect this piece in such a manner. If ..."
Aries Fire 2006-04-20