Together Wherever We Go (Broadway Musical/G/Gypsy)
"Pretty good midi - only one on the internet. Good job."
Johnson 2005-11-05
This Nearly Was Mine (Broadway Musical/S/South Pacific)
"WHY a french horn for the melody line? It makes the sequence very difficult to listen to. Also this is not the complete song...missing introduction and part of the second verse. Otherwise this is a nice sequence."
Godai-kun 2005-11-13
Hi Diddle Dee Dee (Animation/Disney/Pinnochio)
"I just did a play about pinocchio! This was my favorite song!"
pippy99999 2005-11-22
Bad Day (Rock & Pop/D/Daniel Powter)
"Using this midi at my next gig"
Cat 2006-06-14
Batman Returns (Themes/Movie Themes/B)
"Cool! Very good for RPG Maker"
Jordell Brisafresca 2005-06-27