Opening Theme GT (Animation/Anime/D/Dragon Ball)
"I think this is a great midi, one because I love Dragonball and also the music is bright and chipper."
Misaki Masaki 2002-08-26
Song of Storms (Video Games/L/Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time)
"I loved this remix myself, seems kinda haunting"
faust18 2006-09-16
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Isengard Unleashed: The March of the Ents (Themes/Movie Themes/L/Lord of the Rings)
"the drums are way off, but other than that, everything is great. 7 out of 10"
ElectricChain 2006-06-03
Learn to be Lonely (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"I think that this is a perfect version! i'd give it a ten, but i'd like the whole version please...but this is so perfect:)"
jackie 2006-01-21
Blue Moon (Broadway Musical/G/Grease)
"I'm sorry to say, but it's true"
Hanse 2006-05-23