Be Our Guest (Broadway Musical/B/Beauty and the Beast)
"not bad"
mrchacha100 2002-08-23
Pharoah's Dreams Explained (Broadway Musical/J/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat)
"Almost as good as my favourite film ( Harry Potter) and my brother cant stop watching it. See, he is watching it now"
Justin 2005-12-24
Learn to be Lonely (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"no one would listen ,sung by the phantom is way better! one fraction of that song is full of more compasion and intrest than learn to be lonley. I have'nt been able to find it on the net but i won't give up!"
OG 2005-07-18
Dragon Ball GT Theme (Animation/Anime/D/Dragon Ball)
"Damn it... FINALLY I FIND IT"
aarowanaa 2005-09-04
Dancing Through Life (Broadway Musical/W/Wicked)
"This is an excellent example of what a real professional sounding MIDI should sound like. Awesome job!"
Jeff (JClairUSF) 2005-08-01