007 James Bond (Remix) (Themes/Movie Themes/J/James Bond Series)
"poor choice in instr. and not that great of putting it all 2gether...."
Tetris_God 2006-06-02
Prima Donna (Broadway Musical/P/Phantom of the Opera)
"I agree it sounds like something a a carnival carousel, but other than that i really enjoyed it. Open your minds people!!"
Ben 2006-09-07
Simple and Clean (World/Japanese/Pop/Utada Hikaru)
"As said before:
KH: Best game
Hikaru , and both simple and clean's Rock!
Thnx Utada!"
Theta 2005-05-24
Dancing Through Life (Broadway Musical/W/Wicked)
"i used this for a talent show... well i havent used it yet but it is really great. i practice with it all the time. thank you so much"
terron 2006-06-25
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Isengard Unleashed: The March of the Ents (Themes/Movie Themes/L/Lord of the Rings)
"I have to agree with hoot, but it is still really cool."
Legolas Greenleaf 2005-07-19