Falling Into You (Rock & Pop/C/Celine Dion)
"falling into like a leaf wow it wasn't one of thoses shite midids you usually get! just music, no funny noises...hee hee
download it!"
hayley 2005-02-08
Warner Bros. Theme (Animation/Cartoons/W/Warner Brothers)
"It didn't sound bad, but thats not the warner brothers theme. I think thats the ER theme."
Xanderman 2004-03-11
Inu-Yasha Medley (Animation/Anime/I/Inu-Yasha)
"This is amazing!!!!!! Music from the second movie, right? Really good. This must have taken a long time to complete. I really like your use of native Japanese instruments. I can see InuYasha kicking major butt during the end and in the beginning. Awesome job!!!!!!!"
inufan23 2006-03-18
Potiphar (Broadway Musical/J/Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat)
"pathetic! out of time and unusable. Can I give it zero?"
Dylan 2005-07-02
Kasenai Tsumi (Animation/Anime/F/Fullmetal Alchemist)
"I think that this song it's preety cool, it's a funny version of the original song jajaja!!!"
German Reino 2006-03-07