The other day, we had a snow storm here which is pretty uncommon where I'm from. It's not even Halloween yet! The snow inspired me to attempt this pretty difficult song in MIDI. Don't be fooled by it's simple bassline and easy to pick out notes - it's got some wild string runs all over the place as well as many harmonies. It's beautiful song by Randy Rogel. And I must say...Every Randy Rogel song from Animaniacs all have been by far the trickiest. All of them. He wrote some WONDERFUL music for Animaniacs and I encourage you to not only listen to this arrnagement, but the original. Focus on the orchestral music and you'll really see what I mean.

READ: This is a large MIDI file and contains a high amount of notes. If played in something like Windows Media Player, some notes may be cut. After downloading, open the file in a converter or iTunes to avoid this problem.